Sunday, June 20, 2010

Good Morning World!

How is everyone doing out there?!  As you can tell from the Brown Pelican's proximity to the water's edge, it is very hot in the tropics at the moment. We are in the middle of a heat wave and the best place to be is at the water's edge or in the water itself.

As for me, I've been crowded into a corner where my unhealthy eating habits are concerned. So, from now on, I have to lessen my consumption of foods like Salbutes (pictured above)  which I love to pig out on whenever I get a chance to visit our local version of Bel Taco. I can only patronize the deli shops here which promote healthy products rather like one I came across recently which had this hand written sign posted up for all the world to view on its front door. Well, I just had to step in to take a peek and to see what the fuss is all about....

Inside I found that the shop owner had a variety of fruits in season for sale which included watermelons, papayas, bananas, plantains, fresh eggs and oranges as seen in the photo below. Of course, mixed in with all the good stuff were items like Vive Condoms and ubiquitous bags of salty corn chips which are loaded with lots of unhealthy stuff.

Welcome to Belize everyone, this is how we do it. The good and the bad all mixed into one happy heap. LOL

If you find yourself here, look me up so I can guide you in the right direction, ok. In the meantime, have fun and stay healthy. See you on the equinox.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Flightless Bird

It has been a crowded couple weeks, hence my bloggy break. However, I've been browsing through the blogosphere whenever I get a chance, so that I'm able to stay in the loop. Sylvia aka Heiresschild (A New Journey), welcome back! You were missed. Congrats to Sylvia on her recent achievement of earning her Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration. Sylvia and I have been blogging together for awhile and I have known that it has been her burning ambition to earn her degree for sometime now. It's good to see Sylvia's efforts come to fruition; and, wouldn't you know it, she now has a new goal post, a Master's Degree. We'll be watching her from the sidelines and cheering her on. Ian, if you're reading this, the twin set mangos were not intentionally suggestive. However, I can see what you mean. LOL 

Thanks to everyone who stopped by and offered helpful ideas and suggestions reference my game knee. Things have been improving and though I can't say that I can do 'the split' as gracefully as this lady here, there has been some improvement. Due in no small part to my recent introduction to Lady Gaga's music from another blog buddy, Josie. This is something I will post about soon, once I see where this is heading.
If you haven't done so as yet, please take a moment to visit Michael Manning's blog where you will find a plethora of delightful topics to browse through.

Have a fun weekend and stay healthy!