I've been busy, very busy. Rushing around, even injuring my knee in the process. Now, I'm laid up so to speak. God's way of telling me to slow down and enjoy the journey. So, I spent the better part of yesterday and today on my back with my feet elevated and my knee ice packed whilst randomly appreciating the view of the blooming Mango Tree in my backyard. My daughter took these photos today before she 'raided' the tree. LOL
I don't know about y'all, but we love mangos. One of the fun things to do here in the tropics is to eat ripe mangos, ripe, juicy and dripping with sweetness. There is even a song written about the Mango Tree by Monty Norman for the classic James Bond Movie "Dr. No". Let's see, it goes something like this .....
I intend to get back into the gym as soon as possible and walking is always a good idea to get fit. However, walking is out for the moment as stepping on my right leg triggers intense pain in my right knee. If anyone out there can give some advice on the best way to get my knee joint back on track, let me know.
hi Enid,
sorry to hear about your knee. having had left knee problems and having been on crutches a few times because of it, i sympathize greatly with you.
i do know from my own experiences, the more i could rest it without putting weight on it, the better it healed. the thing is though, i couldn't be off of it for 2 months, so it didn't get enough healing time, and i would re-injure it. now i just know my limitations, which means kickball is out. lol! i pray for a quick healing for you.
i'd absolutely love going to my backyard and plucking mangos off to eat. yum! yum! how blessed you are.
well, continue to take care of your knee and i wish you and your family all of the best. i'll be posting pics of the california granchildren within the next week, so come take a peek.
love & hugs,
Have you had any imaging done on your knee? I use anti-inflammatory or Tramadol for my patients but you need to see the cause. Hope you feel beter soon! P.S. I love mango too..
Enid: I suggest an MRI and then see if the doctor will write you a script for a really good physical rehabilitation place.
BTW: My new Blog address is:
Not nice about your knee, but how nice about your mangoes. How I envy you being able to pick them off your own tree. I have done so in Hawaii and Rarotonga, but I'd love to do it all the time. Oh, and it's probably just my dirty mind, but there is something just a tiny bit suggestive in that mango twin set you photograph.
I would love to have a Mango tree. They are one of my favorite fruits. Hope you and your family are well. Be careful as you get back to the gym too.
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