Thursday, December 28, 2006

The Letter that Never Came

I've mostly been hanging out with my family over the past couple of days. Our favorite home movie to watch at the moment is A Series of Unfortunate Events. This movie is centered around the lives of the three Baudelaire children who become orphaned at the very beginning and features Jim Carrey in the lead villanous role as Count Olaf. The Baudelaire chilren undergo a series of unfortunate events with only each other to hold onto. My favorite scene comes at the very end when they receive a letter (via snail mail) from their parents who have already perished in a fire.
Dearest Children,
Since we have been abroad we have missed you all so much. Certain events have compelled us to extend our travels. One day, where you're older, you will learn all about the people we've befriended, and the dangers we have faced.
At times the world can seem an unfriendly and sinister place, but believe us when we say there is much more good in it than bad. All you have to do is look hard enough. And what might seem to be a series of unfortunate events, may, in-fact, be the first steps of a journey.
We hope to have you back in our arms soon darlings, but in case this letter arrives before our return, know that we love you. It fills us with pride to know that no matter what happens in this life, that you three will take care of each other with kindness, and bravery, and selflessness as you always have.
And remember one thing my darlings and never forget it - that no matter where we are, know that as long as you have each other, you have your family, and you are home.
Your loving parents.


This scene is guaranteed to tug at your heart as the words hold such meaning and truth, not only for the three children, but indeed for all of us. In this coming year, I hope that each and everyone of your homes are filled with unity, love and hope and that families will stand together as one to face the events occurring daily.


Anonymous said...

I was really love the letter after i saw the movie that is with all kinds of significant phiolosofic theories I believe in so much. I am with the same view with you!

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Agen Judi Online Terpercaya said...

I think that the best thing we can do for our children is to allow them to do things for themselves, allow them to be strong, allow them to experience life on their own terms, allow them to take the subway... let them be better people, let them believe more in themselves.

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